Yicheng & Yixian

Yicheng & Yixian
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Brand: Zens
Head Designer: Ju Bin
Craftsman: Hong Jun
Assistant Designer: Zhang Xuanrong
Year of Design: 2017
Fabricated in: Yixing, Zhejiang Province
Author of the Project Statement: Ju Bin

Yicheng /Square Tea Pot

Phonetically similar to the character meaning “City” in Chinese, the concept of “honesty”is expressed through design. One makes, pours, and drinks to receive friendships by delivering honesty. Like the walls of a City, the square teapot guards its virtue with a structure underlying the physical form.

From the Chinese aesthetics, “Honesty”is the heart in its most original form, a testament of existence of the first virtues and a proof of the undisguised true nature. Through “Honesty”, the pot and the tea-maker are united in spirit.

Square at heart and in form, “Yicheng”resonates with a ritual to receive friends undisguised.

Yixian / Round Pot

Modest in curvature, the pot gracefully resides in the room. The reflections of the room fades into the soft pleasures of hot steam, which dances like dresses blowing in the wind. The delicate form of the pot compatible with the warmth of water slows down the fleeing of time. 

Even as the odor and color diminish as the tea is finished, the profile of the pot against the setting sun is still vivid. The fragrance had encouraged one to drink way before the tea cools. With the sensibility of one and the capacity for four, it is cultivates jade within the purple clay, except in the form of liquid.